A Devotion to Christ... A Difference in the World
SUNDAYS 11:00 am
Kids Church for children from Pre-K to 5th Grade
Kids Nursery for infants and toddlers

Sunday Adult Bible Study
9:30 AM In Fellowship Hall.
Join us for a Christ-centered, chronological study through the Bible, taught by a team of teachers.
Youth Sunday School
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM. Grades 6-9.
Fun and meaningful conversations about life, God, and scripture
Wednesday Evening Prayer
Summer Schedule- No Meeting This Week
The mission of Greenwich Baptist Church is to foster a vibrant community of faith in Christ that enables people to experience the power of the gospel through biblical preaching and teaching, authentic worship and prayer, and deep relationships. We are a church both for committed believers and also for those who are still considering the claims of Christianity. Together we desire to serve the community of Greenwich with love and humility, seeking to cultivate a devotion to Christ and to create a difference in our world.